Här är det officiella omslaget för The Runaways

Nån som har sett den?
Är den bra?
Den kommer ut på dvd & Bluray den 20 juli!
Mark your calendars for July 20, 2010 because we can exclusively reveal that’s the date “The Runways” will say “Hello, world” on DVD and Blu-Ray! Both formats of the movie will include commentary with Joan Jett, Kristen and Dakota, and two featurettes (“Plugged In: Making the Film” and “The Runaways”).
If you get the Blu-Ray, you will also be able to access movieIQ+sync with “The Runaways” playlist — a program that allows viewers to “to access real time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie via BD-Live.”
There will also be a few contests via the “The Runaways” official Facebook page to go along with the launch of the DVD starting June 18. Check back with the page (or Twitter or MySpace) to find out how you can win prizes by proving you have what it takes to be the ultimate Runaways groupie.
Don’t forget to vote for the “Runways” stars to win at Sunday’s MTV Movie Awards (voting remains open until June 5th) and prepare to make July 20 the day you let off your ch-ch-ch cherry bomb!