Hej och Hej då :D
Planet går kl. 17:00 tror jag, sen tar det 3 timmar att flyga.
Sen ska vi väl gå på bussen och åka till vårat hotell.
Så vi kanske är vid hotellet 10 , halv 11 någongång då.
Ska bli riktigt skönt , men jag kommer som sagt inte uppdatera på 2 veckor nu ,
så det här blir det sista inlägget.
Sen när jag kommer hem blire ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOO....
Längtar ihjäl mej ! :)
Hoppas ni får det bra!
Dagens Bild!

Robert Pattinson - nya photoshoot - TV Week
Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner på Fan eventet på hovet i Stockholm
Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner på presskonferansen in Sverige!
Godnatt :D
Hejhej, sitter här och käkar kvälls/natt mat ;)
Müsli och mjölk :)
Har haft en underbar dag idag! Började med att jag drog till Moa 12 , halv 1 någonting.
Sen kom Sofie, då kollade vi på bilder/videos och dom berättade allt dom hade gjort m.m.
Sen drog vi upp och fika (på fagers) haha .
Blåbärsbulle blev det! :D Sen fick jag 2 presenter från london! :D Blev jättejättejätte glad!
Visar här nere i inlägget vad jag fick ...
Sen drog vi hem till Moa igen, hon bytte om för hon skulle på träning, sen blev det upp och vänta med henne tills bussen skulle komma .
Sen drog jag o Sofie hem till mej, sen:
*Åt jag
*Drog hem till Sofie igen
*Vi cyklade hem till Moa igen
*Adina kom
* gick ut och gick
* hem till Moa och bara prata om allt möjligt! :D
Sen innan jag skulle hem blev det en massa kramar och "pussar" hahahaha. :D
Kommer sakna dom JÄTTE OTROLIGT MYCKE!
Först är dom i london i 5 dagar sen kommer dom hem och vi hinner ses en enda dag , sen åker jag till Spanien i 14 dagar ! Så vi kommer inte ses på jätte länge ju.
Aja , jag kom hem typ kvart över 11 tror jag.
Det här fick jag :
KitKat ;)
Och en ring med en fungerande klocka i ! Ascool! Love it!
Kommer sakna er! PUSSSSSSS
Ashley Greene på LAX

Gillar hennes klädstil ! :D
Peter Facinelli ny photoshoot.
Gillar första bilden bäst :D
Heeeelt nya Eclipse bilder!
Dagens Bild!

Idag ska jag träffa Moa och Sofie, och kanske Adina?
Ska få höra allt om hur london var , och se bilder m.m.
Ska bli naaaajss , kanske tar en fika också (: , vi har ju så många fik att välja på!
haha ( 2st ).
Vi bor typ i en byhåla ;) HAHAHHAHAHAHAH (Y)
Ha en bra dag !
Ps. Imorrn åker jag ju till spanien så kanske inte hinner uppdatera något imorrn , men det TROR jag iaf.
Men sen kmr jag ju inte uppdatera något på 2 veckor...
Eclipse klipp!
Och ett nytt TV spot !
Dagens Bild!

Twifans.com har intervjuat David Slade!
Jackson Rathbone i intervju med Popsugar
Jacob & Bellas kyss.

Brudparet ;)
Grattis till dom (:

Men kolla vad jag upptäckte!
Vilka påsar han hade under ögonen! Sovit för lite? HAHA inte för att jag är värsta skvaller tjejen men men :D

Jackson Rathbone.

Elizabeth Reasers favorit scener i Eclipse!
- ”Jag gillade verkligen de scenerna med Bree [Jodelle Ferland] och Dakota [Fanning]. Dakota är verkligen läskig i denna filmen [skratt]. Hon är så oklar med sitt utseende för hon har de änglaliknande ansikte men ändå är hon så läskig. Jag menar, verkligen. Hennes karaktär skrämmer våra karaktärer, vilket är underbart som en skådespelare att se en sådan 15åring skrämma s-ten ur en. Vi var sannerligen skrämda. ”
- ”Också var de aktionscener som jag gjorde med Peter [Facinelli] då vi var i en fajt. Vi slåss tillsammans – för att vi är ett team och han är väldigt överskyddande så att han inte låter mig slåss för mig själv – det är ganska intensivt. Vi gör båda två intensivt våldsamma saker, vilket var ganska läskigt. Och jag njöt inte direkt av det. Jag insåg att jag inte gillar att låtsas att slå en person för att det gör att jag liksom mår dåligt, liksom hur skulle det vara om jag slog dem på riktigt? Tänk om jag skulle bli nervös? Så direktören var liksom ‘Du skall inte bli sur’ han försökte verkligen göra mig förbannad och det funkade. [Skratt] Han började skrika saker åt mig då kameran var av som gjorde mig riktigt sur. Så då jag var riktigt sur så sade han till mig ‘Yeah’ Det var en riktigt konstig taktik som han använde sig av.
- ”Jag gillar alla sakerna i huset. De gjorde en slags kopia av huset som vi spelade in i borta i Portland. Alltså, de byggde hela huset. Det var otroligt. Detaljerna var precis likadant. Så jag gillar verkligen de scenerna där vi alla sitter runt, försöker att göra val, och är helt enkelt en familj. Det är så som du vill att en familj skall vara, och den delen dras jag verkligen till inom dessa böcker och deras karaktärer. De har valt sin familj och de har valt att vara tillsammans – inga av oss är släkt egentligen.
Källa : Thetwilightsaga
Dagens Bild!

Robert Pattinson i intervju med New York Times
DESPITE the best efforts of Summit Entertainment’s publicity team, which has a third “Twilight” movie to promote, it took more than a month to corral the heartthrob star of the franchise for an interview. Robert Pattinson, various handlers explained, was at the mercy of a chaotic shooting schedule for “Water for Elephants,” his biggest non-“Twilight” picture to date.
Fair enough. A guy’s got to work. But Mr. Pattinson was also not particularly eager to chat for the quadrillionth time about Edward Cullen, the tenderhearted vampire he will reprise on June 30 in “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.” When he was finally able to break away from the circus (the setting of “Water for Elephants,” not the throng of paparazzi and hyperventilating girls who trail him around), Mr. Pattinson seemed to have a bit of “Twilight” burnout.
“It can get a little boring,” he said softly over coffee at the Four Seasons hotel here, referring both to playing an unchanging vampire and to chewing over the Cultural Importance of It All. “The good news is that the whole thing is done in seven months.”
Not that he’s counting the days or anything.
Fortunately for fans (and Summit) and unfortunately, it seems, for Mr. Pattinson, the tally is short by about a year. Filming may wrap up on the “Twilight” series in seven months, but Summit has decided to split the fourth (and final) “Twilight” novel by Stephenie Meyer, “Breaking Dawn,” into two parts. So Mr. Pattinson will probably be out hawking the final installment in the summer of 2012.
Please don’t misunderstand him. Mr. Pattinson, 24, is fully aware that he probably would not have much of a career without the “Twi-hards,” as the mostly female following of the movies are known. His only role of note prior to Edward Cullen was a bit part in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” as Cedric Diggory, the doomed love interest of Hermione. To achieve this level of success so soon after coming to Hollywood — “Twilight” and “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” took in a cumulative $1.1 billion at the global box office — is the rarely achieved dream of young actors everywhere.
But the searing, worldwide fame that has come with the franchise has left him emotionally raw. Hunted by the tabloid media (“R-Patz Cuts His Hair!”), Mr. Pattinson changed hotels six times in the month and a half he has spent in Los Angeles filming “Water for Elephants.” He arrived for coffee wearing both a baseball cap and sunglasses to cover his floppy locks and haunting good looks, and he immediately vetoed a booth hand picked by a publicist for its privacy as too public. “Kris is better about dealing with photographers than I am,” he said, referring to his equally sought after co-star, Kristen Stewart, after finally settling on an outdoor nook surrounded by tall hedges.
“I’ve learned to let it go a bit, but I’m still really bothered by it,” he said. “The more you are exposed, the more people irrationally hate you, I think we reached a point, a peak, with ‘New Moon’ where the stories became so saturated into the culture that it started to feel normal. It’s like the tabloids don’t know what to write anymore because they’ve used up all their scandals.”
He also worries about getting pigeonholed as nothing more than a teen idol. Sure, he excels as a pale brooder in the gooey “Twilight” movies, as evidenced by how fully Ms. Meyer’s legions — the books have sold about 100 million copies worldwide since 2005 — have embraced him. But Mr. Pattinson talks about a desire to play “characters that are not parodies,” and he would love to do a comedy with Todd Solondz (“Welcome to the Dollhouse”). He would like to have a career like Joaquin Phoenix, somebody who makes unorthodox roles pop. (That’s when Mr. Phoenix is working in front of the camera at all and not pursuing other interests, like music or showing up all bearded and bizarre on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”)
To this end the London-born Mr. Pattinson has been busy accepting roles that seem linked only by a quirky diversity. In “Water for Elephants,” an adaptation of Sara Gruen’s novel, he plays a veterinarian who joins a Depression-era circus after his parents are killed. The indie “Bel Ami,” from the Maupassant novel, co-starring Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, has him playing an unscrupulous social climber who rises to power in Paris by manipulating wealthy women. A possible role in a western called “Unbound Captives” calls for him to speak almost entirely in Comanche.
“I do think the teen idol thing is something that Robert Pattinson needs to worry about,” said Jeanine Basinger, the chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University and the author of “The Star Machine.” “The question is whether an actor is so perfect at one thing at a particular point in time that the audience refuses to accept him as anything else.”
She rattled off a list. Christopher Atkins, who shot to fame (with Brooke Shields) in “The Blue Lagoon” but was soon forgotten when he tried other roles. Corey Feldman, along with most of his “Lost Boys” castmates. The verdict is out on Zac Efron, who next appears in the drama “Charlie St. Cloud.” Worrying that “Footloose” was too similar to “High School Musical,” Mr. Efron bailed on the remake and has been absent from the big screen for over a year.
“Usually the guys who have the looks to be teen idols don’t grow up to look like what we think of as rugged leading men,” Ms. Basinger said.
There is hope. Leonardo DiCaprio, whose post-“Titantic” adoration is probably the closest thing to what Mr. Pattinson has experienced, struggled to move beyond Jack Dawson (remember “The Beach”?) but successfully evolved by picking gritty roles and teaming with Martin Scorsese in movies like “The Aviator,” “The Departed” and “Shutter Island.”
“Water for Elephants,” which also stars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz, is awaiting a release date from 20th Century Fox. It’s the kind of serious literary role that could bring critical attention and stretch minds about Mr. Pattinson’s range. “There is a profound vulnerability about Rob and his mannerisms, and that makes him supremely accessible,” said Elizabeth Gabler, president of Fox 2000, the studio unit making the film. “He also has an innate kindness about him that is wonderful in this role.”
Mr. Pattinson has clearly enjoyed working on something else. He lit up when talking about the shoot, mentioning a scene in which a lion had to bite his arm and another where he had to spend hours shoveling horse manure — an unsettling detail given the grimy condition of his fingernails. “It feels like everyone is an Oscar winner except me,” he said of the cast and crew.
Much is riding on “Water for Elephants” because his leading roles outside of “Twilight” have disappointed or failed at the box office. The inexpensive romantic drama “Remember Me,” released in March, grossed only $19 million in North America. About $35 million in overseas ticket sales eased the pain a little, but the upshot was that Mr. Pattinson appeared unable to anchor a movie despite the “Twilight” nuttiness. “Little Ashes,” a foreign film in which Mr. Pattinson played a randy Salvador Dalí (and filmed before “Twilight”), barely registered a blip in limited release last year.
The only career advice Hollywood veterans have for Mr. Pattinson is to keep doing what he is doing. “Continuing to take different kinds of roles and continuing to take chances will ultimately work,” said Allen Coulter, who directed “Remember Me.” “People unwilling to see him as anything but Edward Cullen will eventually be worn down.”
Part of Mr. Pattinson’s challenge is undoubtedly the vampire. The only movie franchise that remotely compares to “Twilight” in terms of popularity and the number of films starring the same cast is “Harry Potter.” But as the “Harry Potter” stories have progressed, Daniel Radcliffe has been allowed to grow up. By his “Twilight” character’s very nature — a vampire who doesn’t age — Mr. Pattinson is largely stuck.
“I hope it doesn’t start looking ridiculous,” Mr. Pattinson said, referring to himself growing older but playing the same character.
Audiences can judge for themselves at the end of this month when “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” arrives at the multiplex. The second movie was more about the chemistry between Bella, the sullen high school student (Ms. Stewart), and Jacob, the werewolf (an often shirtless Taylor Lautner). The third movie, filmed at a cost of $68 million and directed by David Slade (“Hard Candy”), is about the triangle: the push and pull of Ms. Stewart’s character between her vampire boyfriend and werewolf admirer.
“As Rob has acted more, he has become less conscious of the camera and more connected to the character,” said Wyck Godfrey, a producer of the first three films. Mr. Pattinson’s confidence is growing, he said, but the actor can still be self-deprecating to a fault. “Rob comes out of every scene thinking, ‘Oh God, that was a disaster.’ ”
“Twilight” fever shows few signs of letting up. Advance sales are on a par with “New Moon,” and the number of licensing deals (Burger King, Vitamin Water, Volvo) is enormous. “Eclipse” may open on a similar scale as “New Moon”; the franchise has probably matured, analysts say. But the last two movies opened during the school year, and the hope is that a marquee summer slot — the Fourth of July weekend — will generate repeat business that dwarfs the other films.
Mr. Pattinson won’t have much time to parse the results, much less take a six-month vacation, which is what Mr. Godfrey said the young actor needs. Production for “Breaking Dawn” starts
as soon as October.
Hejhej !
Fast det var riktigt fint (:
Imorrn kommer Moa , Sofie och alla hem från London! Wiiihooo, dom tråkiga dagarna försvinner! ;D
Aja, Allt bra med er? Hoppas det.
http://eliisesvensson.blogg.se/ ville att jag skulle lägga ut en bild på mej själv, hon måste ha missat dom få bilderna jag har lagt ut, men det får bli en bild i repris :)

Dålig kvalité , taget med webbkameran.
Tjaaaaaaaa :D
Det blev ganska många inlägg idag *tummen upp*
Bra va? ;)
Men jag har iaf varit och shoppat lite som jag behöver innan resan .
Åker ju till Spanien om 4 dagar :D Wiiihoooo.
"Jag och mina kompisar kom på att när vi går på Eclipse när jag har kommit hem , så ska vi klä ut oss, och då tyckte dom att jag kunde vara Jacob, Eftersom jag troligtvis är ganska brun efter 2 veckor i Spanien ;)
Så då ska jag gå där på stan i en brun bikiniöverdel , måla magruter och ha arm puffar med något brunt över! + shorts! Najs va? HAHAH tror inte det kommer hända men vi får väl se :D
Vi är ju rätt galna men det kan ingen hjälpa! :D HAHAH
Ganska bra idé faktist ;)"
Här kommer bilder på det jag shoppade:

Kolla vilken snygging som kollar in i kameran ;)

Mina Twilight garderober! :)

Dagens Bilder!


You’ll Always Be My Bella...
Ny intervju med Jodelle Ferland .
Q: We all know that you had a chance to read the ‘Eclipse’ novella, but we were wondering if you got to sit down with Stephenie and go over your character?
Jodelle: I did get to read the book first, which was great. I did talk to Stephenie, but most of the talking I did with David Slade, the director. He sat down and talked with me about the character and the book. So I did most of that with David Slade but I did talk to Stephenie about it too.
Q: You’ve known about the book for a long time, much longer than us. Now that it’s officially been announced and the release date is out there, do you feel different about your character? More excited, more nervous?
Jodelle: When I first got to read the book, I didn’t know what was going to happen with it and I don’t think that Stephenie did either. So when I found out that it was coming out as it’s own book I was really excited. Even though I already knew about it, I was just so excited that my character was getting her own book! I can’t wait for it to come out.
Q: Stephenie Meyer posted a photo on her website of you with a burnt copy of the story. Was the similarity to your character’s fate intentional?
Jodelle: Oh wow, I hadn’t even thought of that! What happened was I read the story, and then we were supposed to get rid of it as soon as I read it. You obviously can’t just throw something like that in the garbage, so we were trying to figure out how we were going to get rid of it. Ripping it up wouldn’t really work, and we didn’t have a shedder or anything. We had a bucket, and some matches! We lit the matches in the bucket and tossed it in! It was quite fun actually. [laughs] Then we sent a picture to Stephenie, to prove it. That actually is a really good point, it relates to vampires and burning.
Q: Bree comes across as wild in the book, because she’s a newborn. How did you tap into that wild, animalistic nature that newborns have?
Jodelle: I’ve never played a vampire before, so it was very different for me. I did have to be familiar with the way that newborns feel, so it helped me a lot that I got to read the book first. So I knew what I was doing, I wasn’t just making things up as I went. I also have read the entire Twilight series, so that definitely helped.
Q; Some of the other Twilight actors felt like it was surreal to be cast as the character they play, then it really set in for them when they got on set. What was the moment that you came to grips with the fact that you’re playing Bree in a ‘Twilight’ movie?
Jodelle: I found that it was sort of gradual. When I first found out that I got the part, I was just so excited. I was just jumping up and down and I couldn’t believe it! Really, that day, I felt that any moment someone was going to call and say, “Sorry, we made a mistake, you didn’t get the part!” [Laughs] I was a little worried about that, and then every little thing that happened set it in a little more. Like when I got called in to do wardrobe, I thought they must not have made a mistake, and then I got called in to get my contacts and it set in a little more. Every time I had to go and do something for it, it just kept on setting in. Then when I finally got on set, I was like, “Okay, I guess I got the part!” [Laughs] It did take quite a while!
Q: I know you have a lot of experience with horror films. I was wondering if this helped you at all with ‘Eclipse’ or if it was a completely different experience?
Jodelle: I find that even though it’s sort of the same genre, it’s really different. Twilight vampires aren’t really like any other type of vampire, so being in horror movies didn’t help a lot. I guess it’s good that I haven’t done only comedies before! [Laughs] I’ve mostly been doing scary movies, or mostly darker anyway. So I guess it helped that that’s the type of movie I normally do.
Q: Since you were a Twilight fan before you were cast as Bree, what was it like to know the Bree back-story before anyone else in the world? Any of us would kill to read a Twilight book before anyone else!
Jodelle: I found out that I got the part, then found out a little while later that there might be a book on Bree. I was really excited, but I had no idea that I would even get to read it! When I found out I got to read it, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was! I was like, I get a sneak peek before anyone else! [Laughs] I’m so happy that it’s coming out, I just can’t wait.
Q: When you were first cast, everyone assumed that the part was very small. Back then you must’ve known how big the role would be, did you just sit back and smile when people would say that this is a small role?
Jodelle: I can’t tell you too much about the movie, but I have one scene in the book. There’s more than one scene in the movie, but I’m just excited for when it comes out and everyone will finally be able to see it! Everyone thinks I have one or two lines, but there is a little more than that.
Q: You play Bree who is a newborn vampire, do you get to do any stunts? Like, super-strength stunts where you lift trees or anything?
Jodelle: They kept pretty close to the book. In the book, I didn’t do any fighting. As soon as it comes to the fighting part, where I’m supposed to be hurting the Cullens, Bree surrenders because she doesn’t really want to fight. She’s a really good person inside, even though she’s on the evil side, Victoria’s side. I didn’t do much fighting since I surrender right away.
Q: You were in ‘The Messengers’ in 2007 with Kristen Stewart. I was wondering if knowing someone on set led to a different level of comfort, as opposed to a set where everyone is new and you don’t know anyone?
Jodelle: Yeah, it was easier for me knowing at least one person. I hadn’t met the other cast members but I was glad that I had at least met Kristen before. That helped, but everyone made me feel really welcome. It was good to know at least one cast member.
Q: Is this the first time you’ve worked with Cameron [Bright] even though you grew up in the same town and knew each-other before?
Jodelle: I barely remember, but I worked with him once a really long time ago. I think I was five, and he was seven. [Laughs] I have known him for a really long time. I barely remember working with him before but I have.
Q: Is it more difficult for you to create a character from scratch, like some of the other supernatural characters you’ve played, or is it more difficult to play a character that is known and have that expectation behind them?
Jodelle: It depends, in some ways it’s easier and in some ways it’s harder. In some shows I’ve been in it’s really flexible because it’s not based on anything. So you can basically do whatever you want, you can experiment. Then, with Eclipse it was already written and there’s already a way she’s supposed to be. Not as much room for experiments. At the same time it’s easier because you’ve already got the guidelines for how you’re supposed to act. You don’t need to make up as much.
Q: What was the hardest part about playing Bree?
Jodelle: I think the death scene was pretty difficult. I’ve always found those sort of scenes kind of awkward, you know, dying. It wasn’t extremely difficult though, I mean I had the books. That made everything much easier, to read the books and know them well. Yeah, I would say the death scene was pretty difficult.
Q: I was wondering what you thought of your wardrobe in Eclipse? Your contacts? I’ve heard from other Twilight actors that they were painful, how did it work out for you?
Jodelle: Actually I really like having contacts in. Some people, the way their eyes are, it can be uncomfortable for them. I liked it though! Having my eyes red was pretty awesome. If you’ve seen the Eclipse sneak peek, then you know my wardrobe and you know, it’s not like Victoria who has this really cool nature-y wardrobe, it’s just pretty much a regular wardrobe since she still has the same clothes she had when she was turned.
Q: You’ve worked with a very wide variety of stars in your career, did you get star-struck on the set of ‘Eclipse’ with any of the actors that you were newly introduced to?
Jodelle: Well - [Musical Noises] [Laughs] - I have this little easter stuffed animal and I just pressed it and it started singing. Sorry I’ll answer the question now! [Laughs] Yeah I did at first when I first met them I was a little starstruck and nervous. I was like, wow I’m meeting Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Once you get to know them, they’re just people. It wasn’t that bad after a while, but at first I was pretty star-struck!
Q: You have experience in television shows and movies. Do you like one medium better than the other?
Jodelle: No not really! I find that as long as I’m acting it doesn’t matter if it’s for TV, or a series or a short film. I always have fun no matter what I’m doing.
Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner på faneventet i Rom
Kris & Rob i Antena3 intervju.
Snart blire ut på golfbanan! Ha det bra! Hörs imorrn om inte ikväll :D
Dagens Bild!
Pressjunket bilder på Kristen
2 nya tv spots (:
Dagens Bild!

På Alexander Meraz twitter.
Haha jaha då vet vi att skådespeleri inte är Kristens ända talang :)
Behind the scenes med Taylor Lautner i GQ Magazine
Älskar när han gör volterna ;)
Taylor Lautner i GQ Magazine!

The hysterical children. That’s what stands out most. The red carpet is lined with these screaming tykes, hundreds of small wonders packed ten feet deep on raised platforms. They are reaching out their hands for Him, shoving little notebooks and pink pens into His hand. The desperation in their cries has a familiar, specific timbre; they sound like hungry newborn infants.
It is March 27, and I am inching down the red carpet at Nickelodeon’s annual Kids’ Choice Awards—embedded with Taylor Lautner, Twilight’s boy werewolf, now reportedly the highest-paid teenage actor in Hollywood. He’s one of the highest-paid actors period, having just signed a $7.5 million deal to play Stretch Armstrong in a big-screen take on a toy no one has seen in thirty years. Lautner’s regular security guard, a professional badass, notices me flinching at the shrieking. He smiles: ”On the New Moon tour, I took Advil. Preventively.”
Lautner—dressed in a wool blazer over a white V-neck T-shirt (both gifts from the designer Neil Barrett), his dark hair shellacked into a skyward-pointing spear—seems unfazed. Is it always like this? I ask. So he tells me about Brazil. How he and his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart were trapped in a hotel suite when hundreds of teenage fans stormed the lobby, outwitted security, and charged the stairs to get to them. ”We were in lockdown in this little room for forty-five minutes waiting for the SWAT team to arrive,” Lautner says, his eyes wide. ”We said to each other, ‘Let’s say they get into this room. What are they going to do? Tear us to shreds? What do they want?’ ”
Finally we are at the door to UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion, finally inside the building, finally moving toward our seats in the front row, when I notice: For a kids’ show, this is one fucking starry room. Adam Sandler, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Robert Downey Jr., Rihanna—they’re all within earshot. Avatar’s Zoe Saldana is sitting three seats away. Rosario Dawson and Olympic champion Shaun White will present the first award. It’s a tribute to the primacy of the youth market. They’ve all come to kiss the (candy) ring.
Lautner, 18, sits down and begins to tell me how honored he is to be here, how honored he’s been to be everywhere lately. Like at this year’s Oscars, where he introduced a tribute to horror films alongside Stewart. ”I would have passed out if she wasn’t there!” Lautner says. ”You’re looking down and you’re talking to George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio—and they’re listening to you!” This is his baseline sentiment: honest, enthusiastic bafflement. It’s probably the only suitable reaction. He talks about the MTV Video Music Awards, where he presented a trophy to his then maybe-girlfriend Taylor Swift, only to watch Kanye snatch the microphone. ”I was standing behind her as it was happening, and 100 percent I was sure it was staged!” Lautner says, eyebrows raised. ”I thought, ‘This was something that they rehearsed.’ I was enjoying the show! But then Taylor turned around and I saw her face.”
Just then, at the UCLA auditorium, Jeffrey Katzenberg, the CEO of DreamWorks Animation, suddenly interrupts the conversation with a question. Katzenberg—59 years old, V-neck sweater, pleated khakis—leans in close. ”Taylor,” he says, ”do you have two minutes? Will Smith wants to meet you.”
A minute later, Lautner returns to his seat, winded. He looks around the arena, at the 7,000 fans and the lights and the cameras, and asks out loud, ”Is this really happening? Am I really here?”
Those are pretty good questions. He might also ask: What on earth did I do to deserve that $7.5 million contract and the adoration of millions? He’s handsome, yes. But in two Twilight films, Lautner has logged fifty minutes of screen time. Total. In the first movie, he spoke 239 words. Oh, and he was nearly fired from the sequel before filming began. (More on that soon.)
Finally the lights inside the UCLA arena dim, signaling the start of the show, and when Lautner’s photograph appears on the JumboTron, the shrieking resumes. Lautner’s security guard rushes over with one last message, whispering something into his ear before disappearing again into the darkness.
”What did he just say to you?”
Lautner locks eyes with me, touches my leg and laughs. ”He said, ‘If anything happens—’ ” Lautner points towards the exit sign—” ‘we’re going left.’ ”
One week after the Kids’ Choice Awards, Taylor Lautner pulls up for lunch in Valencia, California, a suburb forty-five minutes north of Hollywood. This is where he lives, with his parents and younger sister, in a home that’s almost indistinguishable from the others in the neighborhood. Lautner suggests the Olive Garden for lunch. ”Do you like this place?” he asks, a little unsure, adding: ”My father turned me on to it.” Without glancing at the menu, Lautner orders the Toscana soup, then asks to substitute the Caesar salad for the house. Before the waiter can reply, Lautner interrupts innocently: ”I know,” he says, ”it’ll be a dollar fifty extra. That’s fine.” Well, yes. Yes, it will be.
If the Olive Garden seems an unlikely place to meet one of the most watched teenagers in America, so be it. The location is as clear an indication as any of how far he’s come, and how fast. His is a story filled with extreme coincidence, as if the heavens opened up and said, You. You with the teeth. Next year at this time, people will be able to draw your abs from memory.
Because he’s only 18, his creation story takes about thirty seconds, but it begins at a karate school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is 7 years old when (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #1) the school’s owner invites his students to a martial-arts tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. There, Lautner meets Mike Chat, a karate coach who’s been (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #2) a successful actor. Okay, he was the Blue Power Ranger, but still. Chat encourages Lautner to come out to L.A. for a martial-arts summer camp and later a monthlong stay. He hooks the boy up with an agent, and while Lautner returns home to Michigan without a job, he’s still getting calls about auditions.
The story might end there, except that (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #3) Lautner’s father happens to be a pilot for Midwest Airlines, and the family can fly standby for almost nothing. ”I’d go to sleep at nine in Michigan, and my parents would get a phone call, Can you be in L.A. tomorrow for an audition?” Lautner says. ”They’d wake me up at four in the morning, and we’d fly to L.A. I’d get home the next morning and just miss the bus for school.” When the Herman Miller production plant Lautner’s mother works at shuts down (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #4), the family takes it as a sign to move west, renting a two-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the Olive Garden, on one of those fakey Main Streets popular in preplanned communities like this one. His most high-profile booking: playing a 3-D fish in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Our food comes quickly, followed immediately by the Olive Garden’s service manager, José, who’d like to ”make sure everything is tasting just fine so far.” Beat. ”I just wanted to say it’s a pleasure having you. Go, Team Jacob!”
Ah yes. Jacob. Lautner’s biggest and most intense bit of luck was Twilight. And as if to underscore the idea that luck is massively fleeting, he almost lost the part. In 2008, Lautner was cast as Jacob Black, Native American teenager and platonic best friend to Bella Swan. (Lautner had just four scenes in the film and missed a week of school.) Released on November 21, 2008, the movie made instant tabloid stars of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Lautner was worse than an afterthought: The studio hinted at replacing him. (A press release was issued trumpeting the return of Kristen and Robert; Lautner was MIA.) Jacob discovers he’s a werewolf in book two and grows from a skinny wannabe into a six-foot-seven man-wolf. Offscreen, Lautner still looked like a pup. He had a Twilight lunchbox with his face on it but would have to audition for the sequel.
Lautner admits to some dark, if brief, moments of self-doubt. He hired a personal trainer on his own dime and started practicing some Tony Robbins mind tricks. ”I’m in the gym,” Lautner says, ”and I’m doing reps, and I’m reading the books, and I’m studying the character. I’m just saying to myself, ‘I want this role. I love this role. I’m not gonna lose it. And I’m gonna know it better than anybody, and I’m gonna do that extra rep, because I’m gonna be Jacob Black.’ ” He ate every two hours, mostly meat his parents cooked and then packed in a cooler he kept in the car. Sitting in traffic, Lautner would eat cold ground chuck from plastic Baggies. He put on thirty pounds of muscle, consented to a screen test with Stewart (who lobbied on his behalf), and kept his job. He also solved the film’s marketing issues when his abdominal muscles became New Moon’s main talking point, not to mention his calling card. In one scene, Stewart crashes a motorcycle, and Lautner rushes to her aid. ”It’s just blood, Bella,” he says. ”No big deal.” And then pauses to peel off his shirt.
As if on cue, a twentysomething man slides up to our table. ”I’m sorry,” he says, ”can I take a photo? Uh, my niece is a big fan.”
Over lunch, Lautner signs a dozen autographs and poses for everyone with a cell phone. His cultural momentum is obvious—and as enthusiastically as he hit the weight room and the bags of meat, he has worked to keep it that way. Lautner was out promoting New Moon for months after its release, to the point that Stewart—his de facto older sister offscreen—sent him a text message: ”Stop working and come home already. I miss you.” New Moon has made $297 million, and since its release, Lautner’s name has been attached to no less than five major projects. He was reportedly offered seven figures to star in Max Steel, another would-be blockbuster based on a toy, but chose Stretch Armstrong, because, he says, it was ”ready.” (”Ready” is a relative term in Hollywood. There was no script, nor was there a director. But Hasbro, coming off Transformers, had a reputation for getting films made.) When Lautner begged off Max Steel, producer Joe Roth (Alice in Wonderland) complained to the Daily Beast that Lautner was ”getting bad advice.”
”I heard about that,” Lautner says diplomatically, ”It’s funny you’d mention that. Because I ran into Joe Roth last night at the Lakers game.” Awkward? ”No. I walked up to him and said hello. He’s very nice!” How were your seats? ”Great. Courtside!”
There are many such perils facing Nickelodeon’s favorite male actor. For starters, he has to be careful about his rep as beefcake. He tells a story reminiscent of the plight of young female starlets in town: Lautner had a small role in the surprise hit Valentine’s Day, playing a high school athlete. The role was written speciffically for him. ”Originally I was supposed to take off my shirt,” he says. ”The script said we were walking into school and Willy takes off his shirt. I said, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out. He’s gonna take off his shirt in the middle of school? No, no, no. The reason I took off my shirt for New Moon is because it’s written in the book that way. And there’s reasons behind it.”
A note to future pop-culture historians: This may have been the precise moment it became okay to sell a young male’s physique the same way Hollywood sells Megan Fox.
It’s a funny thing, that $7.5 million deal. Taylor Lautner is being offered action-star tentpole money. But he hasn’t actually been in an action film yet. If Hollywood is hoping Eclipse, out this month, will answer any lingering doubts about whether he can carry one, guess again. The big fight scenes? Lautner’s not in them. His twelve-foot CGI avatar is. ”When Jacob fights,” explains Eclipse director David Slade, ”he’s furry.” What Slade can tell us about Lautner’s potential is how much he’s improved as an actor. He recalls filming one moment where Lautner transitions back to human form at the end of a battle. Slade says, ”I saw Taylor standing behind a tree beating his chest” to prepare himself. ”He was playing pain.”
Whether Lautner is worth that kind of payday or not is an impossible question to answer, and perhaps even an unfair one. Hollywood’s in a panic, throwing money at anyone who looks like he can hold a gun convincingly. ”I can’t get caught up in that,” Lautner says. ”If I start thinking, Is this movie going to open? Is this movie going to do well? I’m not focusing on the job. The job is to make a good movie.”
Still, the pressure is on. Later this month, Lautner heads to Pittsburgh to shoot his first solo vehicle, Abduction. It’s sort of a teen Bourne Identity, the story of a high school senior whose parents are killed the same day he finds his own photograph on a Web site for missing persons. This will be Lautner’s first chance to carry a movie and to answer that other lingering question: Is he a movie star or a fleeting—albeit suddenly rich—curiosity? He says he wants to follow the ”Tom Cruise model,” and that’s probably the right way to go. Lautner has the chance to be one of those nonthreatening boyish action heroes, the type that can cross ethnic lines and gender divides and bring people to the box office in droves. Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance may have brought him here, but it’s undeniable that he’s made the most of the moment. It reminds me of something Chris Weitz, the director of New Moon, told me about Lautner’s appeal. Weitz fought to keep Lautner on the project because, he says, ”it was easier for Taylor to bulk up than for us to find some hunky, brooding guy and make him seem like the best friend of an 18-year-old girl.” A strange skill, sure, but also a hell of an asset if you’re trying to sell tickets.
Or toys, for that matter. Finishing up lunch, Lautner launches back into Is this really happening? story hour. Like when Hasbro flew him out to the corporate headquarters to present him with a Stretch Armstrong action figure cast in his likeness. The doll so closely resembled Lautner, the actor says giddily, that ”I literally thought it was me in a little miniature size.” Or when he went on Oprah: ”I got the famous Oprah hug!” Or when he met Robert Downey Jr. at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. ”He’s awesome!” Lautner says. ”He was wearing these blue glasses, and he introduced me to his wife, Susan. He’s as nice as could be.”
After lunch we climb into Lautner’s 5 Series BMW—”My first car!” he says—for a tour of his new hometown. The windows are tinted so dark they appear to be presidential-grade.
”The paparazzi,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.
Does it get to you?
”There’s some things you just have to live with,” Lautner says, pulling out of the parking lot. ”Like twelve cars camping outside your house, and when you wake up in the morning, they’re going to follow you wherever you go. It helps that I live in Valencia. It eliminates some. But they’re still here.”
We keep driving, past the movie theater, past the gym where he works out. We drive past the Promenade, where the Lautners first lived in Valencia, where his sister turned the walk-in closet into her own bedroom. Ask if he’s considered getting his own place, now that his career is on solid ground, and he looks like the thought never occurred to him. ”Um, you know, not so much,” he says. Really? What 18-year-old movie star with millions wouldn’t move out of his parents’ house? ”There’s really no point. I’m so busy. I really haven’t thought about it.”
I think he likes it in this small town, with its strip malls and Olive Gardens. Because there’s too much at stake, and he can’t get into any trouble here. ”There’s some of that,” he says. ”The thing I love is that my home life hasn’t changed. I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn.”
Lautner has to get home, he says. In the morning, he and his team will leave for Madrid for a promotional gig. Lautner has been to Europe a handful of times, but always for work. ”It’s a tease, is what it is,” he says. ”You show up in Paris, and on the drive from the airport to the hotel you’re like, ‘This is so cool! I want to see something! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower!’ And then you leave the next morning. You think, Oh, I didn’t get to do anything.” He pauses. ”I tell people: I’ve been just about everywhere, but I’ve seen nothing.”
Och jag ska sitta hemma ensam i 5 dagar :( Kunde inte hänga med...
Sen ses vi typ bara en dag när dom kommer hem för då åker jag till Spanien i 2 veckor .
Så vi kommer inte träffas på värsta länge ;(
Kommer sakna dom rätt dåligt! Love u guys :D
hhahaha sadgirl eller vad? Fast det får man faktiskt vara ibland ;D
Hoppas alla har haft en grym dag!
Hörs imorrn (:
Msn Video!
Liten intervju med Robert & Taylor om kyss-scenen.
E! News intervjuar Kris, Rob och Tay
Dagens Bild!

Nya press junket bilder på Robert, Kellan & Taylor
2 nya bilder på Jackson Rathbone i "The Last airbender"

Tror filmen kommer vara riktigt bra ! Jackson spelar "Sokka" (:
Grattis Elizabeth Reaser! :D

Extra TV's Candid Photobooth Shots med TwiCast
Lauren Sanchez och Robert Pattinson
Lauren Sanchez och Kristen Stewart
Lauren Sanchez och Taylor Lautner
Jackson Rathbone, Ashley Greene och Kellan Lutz
Elizabeth Reaser, Peter Facinelli och Nikki Reed
Alex Meraz, Julia Jones och Chaske Spencer
Bryce Dallas Howard, Xavier Samuel och Dakota Fanning
En perfekt avslutning på kvällen.
Älskar verkligen den här låten , hans röst gör den så himla vacker!
Fakta : Peter Facinelli
Peter facinelli, född 26 november 1973, är en amerikansk skådespelare. Han är mest känd för sin roll i serien Fastlane. Peter spelade även rollen som Carlisle Cullen, en av vampyrerna i filmsuccén Twilight.
Han är gift med Jennie Garth och paret har tre döttrar tillsammans.
På Facinellis twitter (:
Mama & Papa Cullen :D
Lite nya bilder på Kristen Stewart :D
Dagens Bild!

God kväll :D HAHAHa
Jag har varit borta nästan hela dagen så har inte kunnat blogga förns nu .
Vaknade upp brevid en ful apa . (Jansson)
Sen drog vi hem till Moa , sen vidare till Adinas häst :D David heter han , urgullig!
Red lite på han också, Typ den roligaste jag har gjort , Nästan ! HAH nejdå, men kul vare!
Har inga bilder på han men men ... Ni får nöja er med en bild på denna sexiga kille :D

Eclipse är färdig!

Här kommer lite intervjuer med Kris Tay & Rob
Där skådespelarna möter media , intervjuas och går på presskonferanser.
Det har kommit massvis med nya intervjuer. Press junket för Eclipse är även i dag.
Här är några av intervjuerna :
Mtv:s intervjuer:
Access Hollywoods intervjuer:
Hahah Kolla Roberts "lökring" 1:02 ;)
3 Nya bilder från Eclipse
Dagens Bilder! Outtakes på Nikki Reed!
Klicka på dom för att få dom större.
Sreencaps för Wolfpack klippet!
Ett till klipp!
Dom är tydligen inte så nya , men jag hade inte sett dom iallafall! :D
Behind the scenes - Eclipse
Stor Eclipse spoiler!
KIippet med kyss-scenen!
Dagens Bild!

Screencaps från ett kyssklipp. -Edward & Bella
Picture of the Day

Nu är det bekräftat! - Breaking Dawn blir 2 filmer!
Bill Condon kommer att regissera båda :D Wiiihooo !

Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start production in the Fall.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
Kellan och Ashley i Women´s Health !
Klipp på när The Cullens jagar Victoria!
7 Eclipse klipp!
Titta och njuuut ...
Såhär har dagen sett ut iaf:
Samlades med klassen 08:20
Var i kyrkan kl 08:30 , 9:orna fick stipendier,betyg och sen var det sång m.m.
Sen samlades alla för att säga hejdå :'( *sadface* Haha skojja.
sen drog familjen och åt , sen drog vi till ludvika och shoppade lite.
Och nu sitter jag här ,
En riktigt awesome ´dag har det vart iaf! :D:D:D:DD
Här är lite bilder :

Vänster: Jansson
Mitten: Kozzan (Moa)
Höger: Jag (Eriksson)

Hahahahahah ojojoj, va rolig jag såg ut på sista bilden ;)
Hej :D
Hoppas alla har haft en underbar dag! För min har vart helt okej .
Vi städade ur skåpen , ska flytta upp en våning nu när vi börjar 8:an .
Sen var vi hemma hos en av våra lärare, och grilla m.m.
Men imorrn är det SKOLAVSLUTNING!!!!!!!
Ska bli riktigt härligt! :D Ett helt sommarlov framför sig...
Hehe ni kan få ett smakprov på hur jag kommer att se ut imorrn :D :

Hahahahah det ligger ett hårstrå ivägen för armbandet där ;)
Underbar fanmade video för Remember me!
Åhh, va vacker videon är , måste verkligen se filmen snart! Tror jag ska beställa den när den kommer ut på Dvd.
Den verkar vara helt underbar! Är det nån som har sett den? Är den bra isf? :D
Ashley Greene shoppar i L.A

Jag gillar hennes sköna outfit :)
Intervju med David Slade
Dagens Bild!

Eclipse soundtracket på Spotify!

Nu kan man lyssna på hela Eclipse soundtracket på spotify!
(Ligger redan i en ny spellista ;D )
Källa : twilightsweden
Från 11 år!

Eclipse kommer ha 11 år som åldersgråns!
Så här skriver sf.se :
En vampyrfilm som även riktar sig mot en publik i yngre tonåren kan ju ställa till problem, men nu är det klart att Eclipse får sänkt åldersgräns och blir tillåten från 11 år, till glädje för många fans av serien.
Nytt klipp och Screencaps!
Ashley Greene

Dagens Bild!

Screencaps från Eclipse :) Mer kommer snart!
Breaking Dawn Fanmade trailer!
Julia Jones i De man magazine!
Julia Jones (aka Leah Clearwater) is featured in DeMan magazine’s recent issue with Kellan Lutz on the cover. Julia looked stunning photographed by Mitchell McCormack.
On her favorite Eclipse scene to film: “[My favorite was] one of the last scenes in the big battle toward the end. Those scenes have a great combination of action and emotional depth. Also, most of the characters are in them. I found shooting in the midst of all that chaos was great fun.”
On why she likes playing Leah Clearwater, a Native American: “One of the best parts about playing a member of the wolfpack, all of whom are Quileute, is that I don’t think of us in ethnic terms. Each character has so many intricate layers of detail that have to do with our back stories and our individual struggles. That is something I relish.”
On the five people she’d invite to her dream dinner party: “Former U.S. president Bill Clinton, former Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, novelist Louise Erdrich, actress Katharine Hepburn and Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.”
MMA repris !
Charlie Bewley.
Hej alla glada ;) Har ni haft en bra dag? Hoppas det!
Ville bara påminna alla om att ni kan se reprisen av Mtv Movie Awards nu kl 20.40 !
Ska iaf jag kolla på :D Ha en bra fortsatt kväll! Kraaaaaaaaaaam
"Nine to five" intervju med Taylor Lautner
Waiting to interview one of the biggest stars in the world is certainly an odd feeling.
With remnants of coffee cups and bottled water sprawled across various
areas of the waiting area, it was a far cry from other press junkets,
where media are running from room to room, hoping for the next
In this case, for the third instalment of Twilight, it was a
much more subdued affair. The waiting areas were quiet, and only a lone
bodyguard hovered in the corridors.
So when Kristin Stewart walked past, with her trademark flick of her
hair, and shyly said ‘hey,’ there was no doubt who she was talking to. I
gave her a knowing smirk, and offered “hey” back.
NINE TO FIVE scored an interview with Taylor Lautner, perhaps better
known as his character Jacob Black, who fights off vampires by morphing
into a werewolf. Most of us know the story. Young girl falls in love
with vampire, vampire leaves to protect her, she’s devastated, werewolf
befriends girl and they fall in love, vampire comes back and the
love-triangle deepens.
Lautner’s Australian promo-schedule was hectic. Even so, he told me he
was excited to visit the country, and that the fans were very polite.
But it seems everybody wants a piece of the star. One can only imagine
the number of would-be clingers-on that now surround him. So how does
someone so young (he turned 18 in February), deal with all this success
and fame?
“It’s a matter of surrounding yourself with the people that you’ve
always spent time with, your closest friends and family and just not
changing that side,” he said.
“I live two different lives. I go into the Twilight world, and I
do that job – and that’s what it is, a job – and then you go home, and
you’re back with your family and friends and you live the same life you
did before.”
But life can’t be that simple. He’s the highest paid teenage actor in
the world; he has papparazi tailing him at every turn; he’s tabloid
fodder, and even Oprah is a fan.
It surely can’t go back to normal that easily. There can’t be an on/off
“(My life is) different; of course it’s not normal – I still can’t even
wrap my head around it.
‘‘You know you’re going to step outside and there’s going to be
paparazzi and fans, but it still comes as a surprise,” he said.
“The most important thing is that you can’t let it change your life and
affect you too much because it will drive you insane.”
“There’ are pros and cons to everything, but the pros for me heavily
outweigh the cons so I’ll take all the other stuff.”
Pros could include the millions of dollars he is making for the Twilight
films, and the adoration of all those women, and men, around the world.
His body is one of the most talked about subjects whenever his name
comes up. His abs even made it to No. 1 in Access Hollywood’s Top Five
Hollywood Abs’ list. He doesn’t get sick of the attention, but said it
can get a little embarrassing.
It’s rumoured that the director of New Moon considered replacing Lautner
because of the major physical changes that occur to his character in
the second film, but Lautner trained extensively for a year to secure
his spot in the saga, gaining nearly 14 kilos to reprise the role.
Perhaps if he had been cast as Robert Pattinson’s Vampire character,
Edward Cullen, he wouldn’t have had to follow such a strict regime.
He sometimes wonders what life would be like on the ‘‘other side’’.
“Just to feel what it would be like, just because I work with the
vampires, I want a little taste of it,” he said.
But vampire or werewolf, fame has afforded these Twi-stars many
Adoration, money and perhaps even power. It will be interesting to
follow the journey of these Twilight stars.
Lautner in particular, has a long career before him. From what this
journalist saw, his maturity will be the key to long-lasting success.
Taylor Talks
: About Kristin Stewart: “Kristin’s an amazing girl;
we’re extremely close friends, so (the media) can say what it wants it
doesn’t affect how I’ll look at her.” (Aww..I want a Taylor...)
: About Robert Pattinson: “He’s one of the funniest
people I’ve ever met. He has a completely different sense of humour to
me but I can’t stop laughing with him. Whenever we have to do scenes
where I’m having to hate him and scream at him, as soon as they call cut
I end up laughing at him so it’s hard to be mean to such a nice guy.” (So funny)
: About Dakota Fanning: “She is ridiculously talented.
I’ve grown up watching her films, one of my all-time favourite films she
was in, Man On Fire, so it was pretty cool to have her be a
part of this.”
: About the Taylor Swift/ Kanye West VMA drama: “I
didn’t know what was happening. (Moments after Lautner presented Swift
with a Video Music Award, West stormed the stage, taking the microphone
from Swift to announce Beyonce was more deserved). I thought it was an
act. When he (Kanye) got off the stage and she (Taylor) turned around
and I saw her face it was the first moment where I went, I’m so confused
right now. Was that real?”
Hahahah :D

Ni får inte EN dagens bild utan 20 ;)
Godnatt :D
4 Dagar kvar i skolan innan sommarlovet! Och...
23 dagar kvar till ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH ... :-D
The Kiss
HAHAHAHA Rob och Tay i Bad Ass Coops!
Här kommer lite information och klipp! :
Kristen Stewart vann “Best Female Performance"
Robert Pattinson vann “Best Male Performance” och “Global Star”
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson vann “Best Kiss”
New Moon vann “Bästa Film”
Anna Kendrick vann även “Best Breakout Star” för rollen i “Up in the Air”
Kristen, Robert och Taylor presenterade också ett nytt videomontage från Eclipse:
Här tar twilight gänget emot priset för Best Movie "NEW MOON" !!
Dagens Bild!
Såhär ungefär:

Min locktång SUUUUUGER verkligen så det är ju inte så jättefint direkt ;O Usch vill ha en ny locktång!! :D
Strax kmr det upp lite om MMA , har inte sett det än , bara massa klipp.
Jackson Rathbone provar kläder inför MMA!

Nya bilder på Jamie Campbell bower
Lite om Roberts nya film "Water for elephants"

Snart har ”Twilight”-uppföljaren ”Eclipse” premiär, men i väntan på galapremiären har filmens stora stjärna Robert Pattinson fullt upp med ett annat projekt.
I ”Water for elephants” ska 24-åringen spela veterinärstudenten Jacob Jankowski som ansluter sig till ett cirkussällskap efter att hans föräldrar gått bort.
Filmen spelas för närvarande in i Ventura County i Kalifornien. De senaste dagarna har det börjat dyka upp bilder från inspelningsplatsen och vi ser bland annat en kortklippt Rob och hans nya fyrbenta kollega.
Även Oscarsbelönade skådespelarna Reese Witherspoon och Christoph Waltz har roller i ”Water for elephants” som ska vara klar nästa år.
Dagens Bild!
Här är iaf dagens bild!

Har alltid älskat den bilden!
Goodnight everybody :D
Meddelande ifrån David Slade!
Davis Slade (regissör) har skrivit ett meddelande till alla twilightfans via facebook! Såhär skrev han:
I want to congratulate you for reaching over 6 million fans on The Twilight Saga Facebook page.
It’s hard to fathom that it was just over one year ago that I started constructing this third and epic adventure which takes place in the town of Forks.
I want to share a story about one of our days of shooting with you.
It was a Friday night and the rain was relentless. We were at La Push to shoot the tribe’s histories, a great speech by Billy Black. We had Taylor and Kristen and the whole wolf pack around a campfire as the heavens let loose on us.
Gil Birmingham was in fine form as the rain hammered down on us all, we adjusted our lights so that the rain vanished into the black of night.
We constructed a tent over the scene to keep everyone dry as we worked, every 15 minutes or so we would have to tip it to stop the collecting rain from splitting the fabric.
For some reason still unknown, around 3am, the wolf pack stood exactly in the way of several gallons of rainwater as it was being cleared. Being the wolf pack, they just laughed it off as they stood there soaked to the bone.
We worked through the mud and the rain all night, until we had the scene perfected.
As we left, dawn was now cracking and in the dim light I passed a small army of fans who had braved the weather for the entire night, still standing there, holding drenched flowers and waiting to get a glimpse of our actors.
So, to those of you who stood behind our security, who waited in line at theatres overnight, to those of you who just love these stories, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is a love letter to you.
Each day I felt the weight of your favourite scenes, your favourite lines, your dreams and your imagination.
It has been an unforgettable journey, and now as I finalise the last prints to ready the film for your local theaters, I cannot wait for you to see it.
Sincerest Regards,
Panic Room
Fast jag missade början , typ 20 minuter men men...
Nån som har sett den ? Den spelades in 2002. Kristen är så liten i den filmen!
Det var den filmen som hon slog igenom i! :D
Här är trailern :
Fakta om Gil Birmingham

Gil Birmingham, född 13 juli 1966 i San Antonio, Texas, är en amerikansk skådespelare. Han gjorde sitt första TV-framträdande i ett avsnitt av Riptide. Senare har han bland annat medverkat i Twilight, End of the Spear och Dreamkeeper. I Twilight spelar han Billy Black som är Jacob Blacks pappa.
Inte så jätte mycket fakta direkt , men jag hittade inget mer , tyvärr !
BooBoo i Inspire Juni/Juli 2010
En ny beauti! :D
Ashley Greene pratar om Breaking Dawn!
Dagens Bild!

Favorit i repris :D

Hoppas alla har haft en underbar dag! Min var helt okej Både bra och dålig.
Nu är det bara en vecka kvar till sommarlovet! :D Wihooo...
Och en vecka närmare Eclipse!!!!! :D:D:D
Ha en bra kväll! PUSS
Lite bilder som jag tog idag :D

I hope you like it ^^
En intervju med Jackson Rathbone!
”Uppenbarligen så kommer jag vara med i en Twilight musikal.”
Du känner förmodligen igen Jackson Rathbone från Twilight serien, där han spelar Jasper Hale. Och du kanske känner igen Jackson Rathbone som rockmusikern som spelar i bandet 100 Monkeys. Men snart kommer du känna igen honom som något helt annat – sci-fi actionhjälten från M. Night Shymalan’s The Last Airbender, en aptering från Nickelodeons tecknade anime.
Kallar någon dig fortfarande för ditt riktiga förstanamn Monroe?
Jag går fortfarande som Monroe när jag är i problem med lagen
Vilken är… ofta?
Det är väldigt sällsynt; väldigt sällsynt. Jag får inte så mycket som en fortkörnings biljett men jag är en vanlig parkeringslagbrytare
Jag vet att M. Night Shyamalan är känd för hans hemlighetsfullhet. Men vad kan du berätta för oss om The Last Airbender?
Ja alltså jag kan säga att det kommer att vara en otroligt actionfilm; den har fått den mest otroliga CGO. Vi har ILM som jobbar med den, vilket är Industriell Ljus och Magi, och det är verkligen magi, ärligt talat, i slutet av dagen. Vi filmar på den gröna scenen, vi har en karaktär som kallas Appa? Som är en stor bison typ eller flygande björn varelse? Och det är jag, jag är den stora flygande björn varelsen.
Bra försök.
Okej, nej, men jag får rida den!
Ingen riktig flygande björn?
Nej, jag rider på en slags luddig sadel. Den var ungefär 4,5 till 6 meter över marken. Den är på en stort rockande sak… De flyttade på den, och det var en stor grön skärm bakom dig. Night skrek ”Okej, du flyger i luften nu!” Och du är lite ”Okej, jag försöker flyga genom lyften nu” och oh ja, jag var tvungen att flyga genom luften, och nej, jag var inte på några droger.
Det kanske fanns fin sprit på inspelningen?
Jag kan hålla undan mitt spritintag! Jag är från södern, kom igen nu. Du vet, jag älskar Jameson Whiskey och jag älskar Bud Light, jag gör det ganska enkelt för mig. Jag var faktiskt på en bar nyligen, och de hade bara tre öl i sina kranar, och det var Bud med lime i en utav den! Jag var tvungen att ge bartendern lite nonsens om det. Skämtar du med mig? Har du inte ens Bud Light på kran? Och du har inte ens Lonestar på kranen? Du har bara Bud Light Citron – Lime?
Så, du kan inte bända vatten. Vad mer kan du inte göra?
Stryka. Du skall se mig stryka så kommer du att förstå. Jag gillar mina kläder skrynkliga i alla fall, så det är lugnt.
Du är en skådespelare med ett band, 100 Monkeys. Tror du att det finns något som du kan göra för att kombinera dessa två passioner?
Uppenbarligen så skall jag vara stjärnan i en Twilight musikal. Det läskiga är att jag sätter pengar på att de håller på att göra en, alltså typ nu!
Källa: Thetwilightsaga
Klippet som ska visas på MMA! :D
Kellan Lutz i da man magazine!

Här hittar ni mera bilder och även en liten intervju! : http://team-twilight.com/20100603/pictures-article-kellan-lutz-da-man-magazine/
Dagens Bild!
The Wolfpack!
Klipp från fan-eventet i Korea!
Och här kommer också ett klipp från Fan-eventet i korea! Heeelt gaalet! Fatta att vara där! En dröm!
Bildbomb på Tay och Kris från Fan-eventet i Korea !
Hhahah ; Sniff sniff, sket du taylor? :O
Ett till klipp !
Ny intervju från Dream Magazine med Jodelle Ferland!
What was it like working with Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning and Robert Pattinson?
Amazing! It was so much fun. You never know whether celebrities are going to be really nice or complete snobs (but most of them are nice) so it’s always reassuring to know that they haven’t let their fame get to their heads. I was a little nervous meeting them, but once I got to know everybody, that wore off, and I didn’t really think of them as celebrities anymore. I really enjoyed being able to meet and spend time with the whole ECLIPSE cast. I’ve actually worked with Kristen before, on THE MESSENGERS, but that was before the whole Twilight/Bella thing happened. It was great to work with her again. It’s too bad I’m not in BREAKING DAWN! But I’m not complaining. The fact that I got to be in ECLIPSE is amazing.
Have you read the TWILIGHT SAGA books before you found out about ECLIPSE?
I think I was just finishing the BREAKING DAWN book when I got called for the Bree audition. I loved the series, it was absolutely fantastic. I’m a total bookworm, and I just can’t put a book down once I start reading it. Especially a good book. So I didn’t get much sleep while I was reading the TWILIGHT series. I can honestly read until 5 o’clock in the morning if I’m really into the book. Probably later, if I wasn’t afraid that I’d fall asleep while eating breakfast.
Lite nya klipp som har kommit ut!
Här om Bree Tanner! Man får se massa nytt från "The twilight saga : Eclipse"
Men jag uppdaterar mera senare , för jag och Sofie ska ut på golfbanan om en stund! :D PUSS
Dagens Bild!


Ni kan just nu lyssna på Eclipse soundtracket!
Men skynda er! För det varar bara i 24 timmar, och jag vet inte hur många timmar det är kvar men men , heheh
Ni hittar dom här iaf : http://eclipsesoundtrack.com/preorder/
Eclipse kalender!
Varav en är på jacob och bella när dom är riktigt intima ;) Ohhhnooo ...

Ny bild på Bree Tanner!

Dagens Bild!

Sexxii boooiii ! AHHA ;)
Intervju med Kris & Tay
Här är det officiella omslaget för The Runaways

Nån som har sett den?
Är den bra?
Den kommer ut på dvd & Bluray den 20 juli!
Mark your calendars for July 20, 2010 because we can exclusively reveal that’s the date “The Runways” will say “Hello, world” on DVD and Blu-Ray! Both formats of the movie will include commentary with Joan Jett, Kristen and Dakota, and two featurettes (“Plugged In: Making the Film” and “The Runaways”).
If you get the Blu-Ray, you will also be able to access movieIQ+sync with “The Runaways” playlist — a program that allows viewers to “to access real time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie via BD-Live.”
There will also be a few contests via the “The Runaways” official Facebook page to go along with the launch of the DVD starting June 18. Check back with the page (or Twitter or MySpace) to find out how you can win prizes by proving you have what it takes to be the ultimate Runaways groupie.
Don’t forget to vote for the “Runways” stars to win at Sunday’s MTV Movie Awards (voting remains open until June 5th) and prepare to make July 20 the day you let off your ch-ch-ch cherry bomb!
Ny Jacob poster! :D

Taylors promo video till MMA
Dagens Bild!